(The picture on the left cracks me up! lol.
It was while I was pregnant with Ava,
hence the finger puppets.)
I don't know how a person gets to that point. Well I do. Laziness and not paying attention to your diet. It wasn't until after I had my first child that I actually had the drive and determination to do something about it.
A close friend of mine had gone to Weight Watchers and had great success. She gave me the "tools" and I ran with it. I scoured for Weight Watcher's information online, taught myself how to count points (every food is given a point based on its nutritional information, and based on your weight you're only allowed so many points per day), and kept a food journal for the first two weeks. Hmmm, I wonder if I still have that kicking around somewhere? It'd be interesting to go back and look through. Anyways, I lost 60 lbs in 6 or 7 months. And that was with having a "cheat day" once a week so I could still have all of those sweets and savoury foods that I still craved. I was smaller than I had even been in high school. What an amazing feeling!
I've had to lose a large amount of weight not once, but three times. With my subsequent two pregnancies I looked at it as free reign to eat absolutely anything I wanted. And ended up gaining all of that weight back and then some. Awful, I know. And even more awful to work off! I lost 80 lbs after I had Hudson, and am currently 90 lbs lighter since I had Everett.
Mind you, it's been almost 2 1/2 years since I had him, and I found this weight came off in stages. I got comfortable in certain phases and stayed there. It wasn't until I started running that I discovered the true potential of this post baby body of mine.
Any of you who truly know me know that I have a serious food obsession, hence the weight gain to begin with, and my extensive planning and prep for "free days." Now I"m enjoying the freedom of not having to be so strict, giving my body the fuel it needs to become faster and stronger. I am by no means a trained professional, but wanted to share my weight loss story since I've come so far from where I used to be.
I appreciate everything you have
ReplyDeleteJust said here! I always thought You were skinny!! Minds a little bit blown, gives me hope....